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SED receives frequent complaints of deficiency of textbooks in field, markets | KNO



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Srinagar, Jun 15 (KNO): School Education Department has said that it was frequently receiving complaints of deficiency of textbooks in field and markets. The department accordingly asked the Chief Education Officers (CEOs) of Kashmir region to submit requisition as per requirement within one day. According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Director of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) in a review meeting also said that the CEOs of the region were placed under strict instructions to make e-Office fully functional in their respective offices within a week's time and also direct the ZEOs below the line to make e-office functional within fifteen days. In the meeting, clear cut directions were issued to all that no hard dak shall be entertained by DSEK from 17-06-2024. About the textbook issues, DSEK said, “Frequent complaints are pouring in from different quarters regarding deficiency of books in field which has been viewed seriously by the Administrative Department.” DSEK advised all the CEOs to submit requisition as per requirement within one day. Likewise the directorate said that the CEOs were directed to start preparations for the celebration of International Yoga Day 2024 being celebrated on June-21 every year. “All were directed to make elaborate arrangements for observing the Day at different levels viz.Cluster, Zonal Level and at District levels,” an official said. About the functioning of Pre-Primary Classes in High and Higher Secondary Schools, DSEK said that it has observed that Pre-Primary and KG classes have been started in some High and Higher Secondary Schools of Kashmir Division. “The Officers were clarified that the Higher Secondary Schools and High Schools can be of two types that is composite having functional classes from pre-primary to 12th or Pre-Primary to 10th and Non-Composite having functional classes from 6th to 12th or 6th to 10th,” the official said. It also said, “Seasonal schools have been set up in Kashmir in response to the unique migratory patterns of the region's tribal people, such as the Gujjar and Bakerwal communities. The CEOs were directed to ensure all such schools are fully functional.”—(KNO)


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